Lifting a rose gold sun by Denise Hanh Huynh

Asian American women were already dealing with the brunt of racist attacks in the past year. Besides this, Asian women have a long history of suffering from harmful stereotypes that objectify and depict them as submissive, meek and hypersexualized, erasing their individuality. Eight individual women, with individual backgrounds and lives died on March 21, 2021 in Atlanta, GA and Denise Hanh Huynh memorializes them in her poem Lifting a rose gold sun.

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Water from Motherland by Narate Keys

A river carves and shapes the landscape and also the people. Narrate Keys is carved by two rivers, the Tonle Sap River and the Mississippi River. Across the world, and closer to home, Narrate’s river’s are under threat due to climate change.

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A Fractioned Man by Comrade Tripp

It’s not necessarily that Comrade Tripp wanted to stop being mixed race, but that he wanted being treated differently to go away. Each of our own experiences is incredibly unique, depending on who we are raised by, where we were raised, how we look. I think Comrade figured out another language, besides comedy, to express himself. That language is poetry, his mother’s language.

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She Tilts the Axis of Herstory by Pacyinz Lyfoung

The Hmong have been marginalized, oppressed, and silenced throughout history. Sunisa “Sunni” Lee is a Hmong refugee descendant that carries within her blood and DNA centuries of generational trauma and oppression. In 2021, the Hmong have a face. That face is Sunisa Lee.

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